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HomeRegional NewsInstagram blurs nudity in messages to combat sexual extortion

Instagram blurs nudity in messages to combat sexual extortion

Instagram is rolling out new tools to protect young users and combat sexual extortion, including a feature that automatically blurs nudity in direct messages. This move is part of the platform’s broader campaign to tackle sexual scams and “image abuse” while making it harder for criminals to target teens.

Scammers often use direct messages to solicit explicit images, so Instagram’s new feature aims to discourage this behavior by blurring nude images and prompting users to reconsider before sending sensitive content. The feature will be enabled by default for users under 18, with adult users receiving a notification to activate it.

Additionally, Instagram is developing technology to identify accounts potentially involved in sexual extortion and implementing measures to prevent criminals from contacting young people. This effort comes amid growing concerns about sextortion cases targeting children, with the FBI reporting a significant increase in such incidents.

Source: Loop News


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